Biotechnology Summer School

Dear PhD Students,

please be informed of the opportunity to participate in the Biotechnology Summer School, which will be hel between September 16th and 20th, 2024. The event is being organised as part of the STER NAWA project and all IBDS and Doctoral School of Natural Sciences Students are eligible to apply. All the relevant information can be found here: Application should be submitted by June 14th, 2024.

Below you will find the Summer School Regulations and a template of application.




The development of this website was financed by the NAWA funds as part of the “Internationalisation of Doctoral Schools in the University of Gdańsk” Project (agreement number: BPI/STE/2023/1/00017/DEC/01, abbreviated: "INTER-DOC") implemented as part of the “STER – Internationalisation of Doctoral Schools" Project