List of suplementary enrolment topics

List of suplementary enrolment topics in the discipline of biotechnology
no. doctoral dissertation topic supervisor programme
1. Analysis of Hsp70 system involved in iron-sulfur cluster (FeS) biogenesis in Escherichia coli dr hab. Rafał Dutkiewicz, prof. UG NCN PRELUDIUM BIS 5
2. Assessment of the risk of co-selection, co-resistance and/or cross-resistance to antimicrobial blue light (aBL) and other stress factors in Escherichia coli dr hab. Mariusz Grinholc, prof. UG NCN SONATA 18
3. Mechanisms for of Transcriptional Memory dr hab. Wojciech Siwek Mechanisms for Establishment of Transcriptional Memory
4. Monocytes targeting and reprogramming for treatment of non-small cell lung cancer dr hab. Wojciech Siwek SWIFT: Science for Welfare, Innovations and Forceful Therapies
5. Exploring the dynamics of ferritin nanocages expressing different HLA molecules dr hab. inż. Umesh Kalathiya SWIFT project
6. Characteristics of strains of Pectobacterium spp. and Dickeya spp. - host bacteria cured of bacteriophage infections prof. dr hab. Robert Czajkowski NCN Sonata Bis 10


List of suplementary enrolment topics in the discipline of medical sciences

no. doctoral dissertation topic supervisor programme
1. Rare genetic variants of complement components as etiologic factor of autoimmune diseases prof. dr hab. Marcin Okrój NCN OPUS 26
2. Development of an analytical platform to study structure-function relationships and the impact of free thiols on antigen binding strength by therapeutic monoclonal antibodies prof. dr hab. Anna Żaczek doktorat wdrożeniowy

The enrolment dates to the above-mentioned topics within the supplementary enrolment correspond precisely with the regular enrolment dates, details of which can be found here:

Please remember that a condition of admission within the supplementary enrolment is acceptance to the project.