Contact us

Doctoral Schools of University of Gdańsk
Jana Bażyńskiego 8
80-309 Gdańsk

Doctoral Schools Office
Wita Stwosza 63
80-308 Gdańsk
room F220 (Faculty of Chemistry)
phone: (58) 523 51 74

Doctoral students's visiting hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday - 9.00-13.00
Thursday - contact via telephone or email

Administration's business hours:
Monday-Friday - 7.30-15.30

Officers responsible for handling the doctoral students' matters according to the disciplines of science

Biological sciences Katarzyna Mówińska 58 523 50 30 room F220
Chemical sciences
Humanities Monika Kaczyńska 58 523 51 74 room F220
Earth and environmental sciences
Physical sciences Gabriela Bielińska 58 523 51 74 room F220
Foreign students (all disciplines)
Intercollegiate Biotechnology Doctoral School of UG i MUG
Mathematics Magdalena Baran 58 523 51 70 room F223
Social sciences
Doctoral School of Quantum Information Theory