Midterm evaluation

The completion of an individual research plan is subject to midterm evaluation, which takes place in the middle of the education period specified in the education programme. Results of the midterm evaluation and the justification of the results are to be made public. The midterm evaluation is concluded with a positive or a negative result.

The midterm evaluation is conducted by a three-person committee, which includes at least one person who holds a post-doctoral degree or a title of a professor in the discipline in which a doctoral student completes a doctoral dissertation, employed outside the institution governing the doctoral school. An advisor or assistant advisor may not be members of the committee.

The committee determines whether a doctoral student conducts the research according to a submitted research plan, in particular, to a doctoral dissertation schedule. In case the research is conducted in accordance with a research plan, the result is deemed positive and the committee prepares a justification for such a result.

In case the research is not conducted according to a submitted research plan, the committee determines whether the proposed reasons for not completing a research plan are sufficient and accurately documented and whether the suggested corrective measures ensure the conclusion of the plan and enable the completion of doctoral school education (the submission of a doctoral dissertation) within the timeframe specified in the research plan. If it is achievable to complete doctoral school education, the result is deemed positive. Otherwise, the result is considered negative. 


Developed on the basis of:
Act of 20 July 2018, The Law on Higher Education and Science (Journal of Laws of 2023, item 742, as amended)
Resolution no. 86/19 of the Senate of the University of Gdańsk of 27 June 2019 regarding the Regulations of Doctoral Schools as amended