“Internationalisation of Doctoral Schools in the University of Gdańsk” Project

Dear PhD Students!

as part of the “Internationalisation of Doctoral Schools in the University of Gdańsk” Project (project/agreement number: BPI/STE/2023/1/00017/DEC/01 of 19 of October 2023, abbreviated: "INTER-DOC", task 2 – "Support of the Polish and foreign students’ international mobility – international internship”), financed by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) as part of the “STER – Internationalisation of Doctoral Schools" Project.

W are launching a programme of support of the Polish and foreign students’ international mobility of our doctoral school students (international internships).

As part of the competition we offer 30 travel scholarships supporting one-month-long international internships (DSNS – 13 internships, DSHSS – 12 internships, IBDS – 5 internships). All Internships covered by the support must begin no sooner than Semtember 1, 2024 and be concluded no later than November 30, 2024.

Competition applications may be submitted by all the UG doctoral school students, subject to provisions of the regulations. Timeframe for application submission is 13.06.2024 – 10.07.2024. Applications will be collected in hardcopies (printed version) in the doctoral schools office (Faculty of Chemistry, room F220). The office does not verify the documents in terms of their completion and accuracy. Competition results will be announced on July 17, 2024. Competition application form can be found below.

Participation in the competition equals participation in the project. Rules of project participation are specified by the Regulations of the international internship programme (attached below).

Apart from the application intself, an applicant is obligated to submit the documents related to project participation, which the Regulations of the international internship programme specify (data protection statements attached below).

All the information regarding the amount od financial support can be found in the accouncement on the NAWA websiteajdują się w ogłoszeniu na stronie internetowej NAWA: https://nawa.gov.pl/instytucje/ster-umiedzynarodowienie-szkol-doktorskich/poprzednie-nabory/nabor-2023/ogloszenie

prof. dr hab. Adam Prahl

"INTER-DOC” Project Manager

Attachment Size
Regulations NAWA UG internships.pdf 256.28 KB
appendix 1 91.8 KB
appendix 6.docx 95.43 KB
appendix 7.docx 95.01 KB