Wojciech Grabowski, PhD, D. Sc.

Imię i nazwisko
Wojciech Grabowski, PhD, D. Sc.
Tytuł naukowy
PhD, D. Sc.
Faculty of Social Sciences
Jednostka zatrudniająca
Political Science Institute
Obszary badawcze
Regional cooperation of authoritarian states and the influence of the type of political regime on the processes of integration and disintegration of Arab states, Arab regional and subregional organizations (sources, manifestations, exemplification), modernization processes in conservative states, cooperation and competition of Arab states with Israel and Iran
Regional / international security - securitization, security complex, political and social challenges and threats, non-military threats, hybrid conflicts, information warfare, proxy wars, international terrorism and radicalization, psychology of terrorism
The role and importance of Islam and Muslim fundamentalism in international relations in the Middle East, the influence of ideology and its use in domestic (consolidation of power) and foreign politics (a factor that binds or breaks unity)
Foreign policy - instruments (political, economic, military) and methods of its conduct (coersive and cooperative), the effectiveness of sanctions, US relations with Arab states and organizations
Theories of international relations and their applicability to the analysis of current international events (e.g. the theory of regional security complexes, the theory of securitization, realism, liberalism, constructivism)