Assoc. Prof. Hanna Makurat-Snuzik, PhD, D. Sc.

Imię i nazwisko
Assoc. Prof. Hanna Makurat-Snuzik, PhD, D. Sc.
Tytuł naukowy
Assoc. Prof., PhD, D. Sc.
Faculty of Languages
Jednostka zatrudniająca
Institute of Polish Language
Obszary badawcze
Translation studies concerning various languages, especially Slavic languages and English: theoretical studies or comparative analyses
Slavic studies (studies of any Slavic language)/Language planning and policy
Comparative linguistics: contrastive analyses across languages (including Slavic languages, English, and minority or regional languages)
The mutual influence of languages; linguistic borrowing; bilingualism and multilingualism
Linguistic worldview/Dialectology/Pragmatics
Regional and minority languages/Studies of phraseology and idioms
Contemporary Polish language in use (language and social life)
Studies of literary language (studies of the language used by a particular writer)
Sociolinguistics: study of the social uses of language/Ethnolinguistics
Language as a tool for communication; language and new media
Glottodidactics and applied linguistics (foreign language teaching, including the teaching of Polish as a foreign language and the teaching of Kashubian or other regional languages)
Studies of language and philosophy/Stylistics/Kashubian studies/Cognitive linguistics
Rules and norms of language: language standardization and linguistic correctness
Studies in contemporary and historical linguistics within the scope of Slavic languages as well as English (selected aspects of phonetics, morphology, syntax or semantics)
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